Building and rehabilitating infrastructure since 1973
Valerie has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of Massachusetts. She previously practiced as a CPA with PricewaterhouseCoopers in their Boston office before transferring to their Albany, NY Office. Val began working for Arold Construction in 2004 and uses her financial background to oversee financial operations.
Ryan has a Degree in Civil Engineering and over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. Currently, he sits on several ASTM committees to help develop new standards for the trenchless industry. He began working for Arold Construction in 2000 and uses his construction background to oversee business operations. Areas of expertise include engineering, estimating and project management of a wide variety of trenchless techniques as well as commercial paving and road repair, sewer and water lines, sidewalks and curbing, demolitions, drainage improvements, grading, athletic playing fields including artificial turf, pump stations and water and sewer treatment. He also is an Assistant Chief for the Glasco Fire District.
Matthew joined Arold Construction in 2014. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management and over 10 years of experience in the trenchless rehabilitation industry, specializing in CIPP small and large diameter with steam and water cure. Grouting of mainline joints and lateral connections. He is PACP certified for CCTV inspections and cleaning.
Rian has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has over 5 years of experience with various construction and restoration projects. He specializes in project management and estimating of site work, paving, drainage improvements, sewer and water repairs, sidewalks and curbing.
Drew has over 5 years of experience in the trenchless rehabilitation industry, specializing in estimating and management of CIPP projects with small and large diameters including steam, water & UV cure. Drew also has experience with pipeline assessment, cleaning & CCTV Inspections.
Tom was a superintendent for Arold for 25+ years. He specializes in site work, drainage improvements, sewer and water lines, grading, sidewalks and curbing. Tom recently took the position of Assistant Project Manager & Project Coordinator.
Tom recently was promoted to Assistant Project Manager. He has been a superintendent for the past 12 years overseeing all facets of trenchless technology installations. He has been a technician for 15 years in the Trenchless Technology industry.
Barry has been a superintendent for Arold for over 20 years. He specializes in road paving/commercial paving, road repair, bridges, site work, drainage, tennis courts and grading.
Superintendent for over 10 years overseeing all facets of Trenchless Technology installations. He is experienced in installing Cured in Place Pipe, AltLiner & Centri-Pipe. He was an equipment operator/laborer for 10 years for utility installations prior to getting into trenchless work.
Tom has been an employee for Arold for over 10 years. He specializes in site work, drainage improvements, sewer and water lines, grading, sidewalks and curbing. He recently stepped up to take a position as a Site Foreman.
Matt has been with Arold for about 5 years. For the past year he has been a Site Foreman. He specializes in site work, drainage improvements, sewer and water lines, grading, sidewalks and curbing. Prior to becoming a Foreman he was working on a crew as a laborer/foreman assistant.
Superintendent for 5 years overseeing all facets of Trenchless Technology installations. He is experienced in installing AltLiner & Centri-Pipe.