December 13, 2023
This Contract with the Village of Highland Falls was to upgrade the existing stormwater collection system throughout the Ondaora Park neighborhood. 2,500 feet of new HDPE pipe ranging in diameter from 12” to 48” was installed at depths of up to 12’ along with 29 new precast concrete drainage structures. A large outfall was constructed with a wingwall, a 54” flap gate, and armored with medium stone fill. 1,700 Cy of rock was removed to facilitate the installation. A 4” rock drill was used to predrill the trench line and structure locations to allow our rock splitters to be used. Excavator mounted rock hammers were used to assist the splitters in breaking up the rock. This Project Managers were Tom Petersen & Rian Baker and Field Superintendent Matt Boice. This contract was Valued at $2.3 million.